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Global Investment FirmPartner of Choice


Affordable, accessible, and high-quality education should be the right of every child as it is the single greatest catalyst for growth and holistic development.

As part of our investment strategy for Africa, ThinkBig Africa invests in resilient sectors such as Education.

New research proves the long-held expectation that human capital formation (a population’s education and health status) plays a significant role in a country’s economic development. Better education leads not only to higher individual income but is also a necessary (although not always sufficient) precondition for long-term economic growth.

The education sector in Africa is experiencing rising demand, driven by favorable demographics and a growing aspirational population keen to invest in high-quality education for their children.

Investment in education provides a clear boost to economic development, and ThinkBig Africa believes this is an opportune time to develop the education sector in Africa. With enrollment rates steadily increasing year-on-year in all verticals across the sector, the opportunity to enhance the quality of education, and ultimately cultivating the necessary skills for African jobs and careers is immense.

Our collaboration with Africa’s leading education entrepreneurs represents a unique partnership and shapes our vision of providing high quality, relevant and accessible education to a growing student body.

We apply our global experience in the education sector to expand our partner companies into new markets and augment quality and educational standards for the benefit of students, and faculty and parents.

We collaborate with global policymakers to ensure that more and better education should become the top priority because it empowers the people to help themselves and thus helps to improve governance and to reduce corruption. A concerted effort for much more primary and secondary education combining national and international forces would appear to be the most promising route out of poverty and toward sustainable development.